Tours of Scotland

What better place to enjoy a magical holiday than the country with the unicorn as it's national animal. In a land steeped in history, you’ll find stunning castles around every corner, and if your own family history is tied to this wonderful country, we can help you explore your own lineage. Or if you’re just looking for an escape among the amazing scenery of the wild Highlands, maybe a tailored relaxing retreat holiday would better suit your travel mood.

The best itinerary is often one that explores a little of all the elements and attractions that make Scotland such a wonderful destination, and remember, if you want to explore further afield on your dream trip, you can combine your Scotland trip with some time in our other destination countries; Ireland, Wales and England.


culture & history

The history of Scotland began with the arrival of the Celts over 2,000 years ago. While England was taken over by the Romans, they could not maintain control over Scotland as it was a much wilder land controlled by ferocious warrior tribes. A fierce pride and unique identity remain today.



The number of people of Scottish descent around the world is over 30 million. Around 20 to 25 million Americans have Scottish heritage, along with close to 5 million Canadians and 2 million Australians. Scottish emigrants took with them their languages and culture and had a massive influence on the region they moved to..



There are estimated to be somewhere between 500 and 2000 castles spread throughout Scotland in varying states of disrepair. Many were built between the 1100s and early 1600s due to the violent history between the Scottish clans and Norman-English invaders.



Haggis is so often the first thing that comes to mind when people think of unique Scottish food, but there are so many more great culinary experiences to be enjoyed on your trip to Scotland. With rolling fertile lands, Scotland's agricultural produce is renowned internationally.



The earliest record of Scottish whisky distillation dates back to the late 1400s. As of 2018, there were 133 Scotch whisky distilleries operating in Scotland, the world's largest concentration of whisky distilleries.



Renowned Scottish novels include classics such as Treasure Island and Waverley, and more modern works such as The Wasp Factory and Trainspotting. The earliest Scottish art consists of highly decorated Neolithic stone balls, many of which can be found on the Orkney Islands.



If you need a break away from a busy lifestyle, Scotland offers the perfect antithesis to manic city living. Why not escape from civilisation and head for the Scottish Highlands where you can choose from elegant spa hotels or luxurious wooden lodges.



Scotland is the home of golf, with the game first played in the 15th century, and a trip to play in Scotland has become a necessary pilgrimage for all serious golfers. It's therefore no surprise that some of the best professional golfers hail from Scotland, including Colin Montgomerie and Sandy Lyle.



The variety of weather conditions, from the mild climate of the south and east of Scotland to the harsher environment of the far north, together with varied geology allow a huge range of plants to grow throughout Scotland. Simply travelling through the Scottish countryside allows you to experience a botanical wonderland.