Scottish Culture & History


The history of Scotland is a long, and often violent, story which began with the arrival of the Celts over 2,000 years ago. While England was taken over by the Romans, they did also invade Scotland but could not maintain control over Scotland as it was a much wilder land controlled by ferocious warrior tribes. A fierce pride and unique identity remain today, and if it’s something you’d like to experience more of with a visit to Scotland, contact us today to start planning your trip.

Up until the 10th century, Gaelic culture dominated in Scotland, but after that time, some areas close to the English border did begin to speak English. The 13th century saw battles to keep out Norman-English invaders but skirmishes at the borders continued for hundreds of years.

Royal marriages saw the relationship between the 2 countries further complicated and intertwined and in 1707 England and Scotland became Great Britain. A revolt in the mid 1700s which tried to return Scotland to being an independent nation, was defeated at the Battle of Culloden. While no longer independent, Scotland has retained its unique, traditional music, traditional Scottish dance and the Highland Games which encapsulate traditional shows of strength, such as tossing the caber, shot-putting, hammer-throwing, and weight-throwing.

Scotland became an industrial revolution powerhouse in the and became renowned for shipbuilding, engineering and invention. After World War II, the oil industry provided a major part of it's economic wealth, but in more recent years tourism has come to the fore as a important industry for Scotland.


Scotland’s retention of it's traditional culture, it's unique history, the friendliness of the people, and it's stunning landscape, make it a great place to visit, so get in touch with our experienced travel professional and we can help you create the perfect itinerary to enjoy your time here.